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Nikita Aksenov @nawinds

About me

nawinds@localhost:~$ ./

Age Age: 19 years old

Moscow From Moscow

Python Mainly code in Python

Sailing Professional yachtsman, sail on Laser 4.7, Laser Radial and Firefly

Videography I love editing videos and shoot from my own drone


Programming experience

I learned Python in the Yandex Lyceum, where I finished 2 courses (Basics of programming in Python and Basics of industrial programming). I have the most experience in writing backend for sites(Flask, SqlAlchemy) and bot creation (for Telegram and VK). I am familiar with the basics of HTML, CSS, JS and I am able to make the frontend for a website (this website layout was made by me). My projects are deployed on a rented Linux server in Europe.

I usually code on my own but I used to work in a team hile I was studying in Yandex Lyceum and during the summer term in SIS in July 2021 in the parallel P (parallel of industrial programming). I know how to work with a version control system Git and repositories on GitHub and Gitlab.

I am constantly coming up with the ideas of new projects and enhancing old ones. In my free time I am improving my skills and learn new things by implementing my ideas.

In 2021-2022, I learned C++, C# and blockchain in the School of programmers. At the end of 2022, I passed a Big Data intensive by Yandex Academy. In the future, I would like to delve into machine learning.

I will be delighted to join any team project even if this will require learning lots of new technologies and stack.


Telegram bot for inline stickers search

#Active #In_development #Multilingual

Bot for stickers search in inline mode. Search is based on the stickers' descriptions provided by the users.

  • The search engine automatically fixes the typos and keyboard layout (English and Russian is supported only)
  • Stickers' descriptions are united in separate sets of stickers. These sets can be shared with other users
  • In the following versions a feature of favourite stickers will be added (in case of empty query) Notes

#Active #Completed #Multilingual

Website, that will help you hide the most private data from being read by third parties when sharing it with one interlocutor. Instead of sharing your passwords, payment details, addresses, and other confidential data in the clear in messengers, send your partner a link to the one-time note generated by this website.

After being first read, the note is removed from our server and can't be recovered. So if your interlocutor is the first to view the note, nobody will be able to find out the note's content afterwards. Even if anybody reads a note before him, at least, it will be realized, when he won't be able to open the note. website

#Active #Completed #Multilingual

This site :)

Backend was coded in Python with the use of Flask framework, while the frontend was written from scratch without using any libraries or frameworks.


Email: [email protected]
Telegram: @nawinds